Programme of Meetings 1980-81

Thursday 16 October 1980 5.30pm

Industrial Relations Training for Managers

J H Mulholland

Dean of the Cheshire & Merseyside Area School of Management

Thursday 20 November 1980, 5.30pm

Industrial Relations: Prospects for the 1980s

J P Lowry

Director of Personnel & External Affairs, BL Ltd

Thursday 15 January 1981, 5.30pm

Law Relation to Picketing

Professor Peter Wallington,

Department of Law, University of Lancaster

Thursday 19 February 1981, 5.30pm

Current Topics in Industrial Relations: A Symposium

Professor Eric Armstrong, Manchester Business School

Diana Jeuda, Research Officer, USDAW

Tony Pugh, Regional Director, ACAS

Sidney Marks, Personnel Director, TBA (Industrial Products) Ltd, Turner-Newall Group

Thursday 19 March 1981, 5.30pm

Industrial Relations Training & the Shopfloor

Jim Mowatt, TGWU, Liverpool

Thursday 14 May 1981, 5.30pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Recent Pay & Productivity Research

Professor Angela Bowey

University of Strathclyde

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1981-82

Thursday 15 October 1981 5.30pm

Pay Determination in the Public Services

Peter Jones

Secretary, Council of Civil Service Unions

Thursday 19 November 1981, 5.30pm

Symposium: Current Topics in Industrial Relations

Thursday 21 January 1982, 5.30pm

ACAS as a Means of Settling Disputes, Past, Present & Future

Dennis Boyd

Chief Conciliation Officer, ACAS

Thursday 18 February 1982, 5.30pm

The Roles of the Department of Employment in Industrial Relations

J Galbraith

Under Secretary, Department of Employment

Thursday 18 March 1982, 5.30pm

Working Time: Can We Bargain for Constructive Change?

John Hughes

Principal, Ruskin College, Oxford

Thursday 20 May 1982, 5.30pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Prospects for Industrial Relations

John Garnett

The Industrial Society

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1982-83

Thursday 21 October 1982 5.30pm

ACAS as a Means of Settling Disputes, Past, Present & Future

Dennis Boyd

Chief Conciliation Officer, ACAS

Thursday 18 November 1982, 5.30pm

Quality Circles & Their Contribution to Company Industrial Relations

Eric Barlow

Quality Circle Co-ordinator, Mullards Ltd

Thursday 20 January 1983, 5.30pm

A Trade Union View of Present Industrial Relations

William Whatley

General Secretary, USDAW

Thursday 17 February 1983, 5.30pm

Symposium: Current Issues in Industrial Relations

Stephen Best

Director, Industrial Relations, British Steel Corporation

Thursday 20 March 1986, 5.30pm

The EEF and the Development of Industrial Relations

Dr J.S. McFarlane

Director General, The Engineering Employers’ Federation

Thursday 19 May 1986, 5.30pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Corporate Strategy & the Management of Industrial Relations

John Purcell

Oxford Centre for Management Studies

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1983-84

Thursday 20 October 1983 5.30pm

Trade Unions & Productivity

Terry Sullivan

Lecturer in Industrial Relations, Manchester Business School

Thursday 17 November 1983, 5.30pm

Experience in Implementing Harmonisation & Single Status

John Dickinson

Employee Relations Manager, British Aerospace plc

Thursday 19 January 1984, 5.30pm

Industrial Training & Industrial Relations

Peter Carr

Head of Sector’s Training, MSC

Thursday 16 February 1984, 5.30pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Industrial Tribunals: Expensive Legislation?

Sir John Wood

Chairman, Central Arbitration Committee

Thursday 15 March 1984, 5.30pm

Why Quality Circles Fail

Dr Barry Dale


Thursday 17 March 1984, 5.30pm

Is There a Future for Industrial Relations; A Symposium

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1984-85

Thursday 31 October 1984 6pm

The TUC: The Way Ahead

Jack Eccles, CBE

Chairman of the TUC

Thursday 21 November 1984, 6pm

Discrimination & Industrial Relations

Dipak Nandy

Deputy Chief Executive, Equal Opportunities Commission

May 1985, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Industrial Tribunal – Expensive Legislation

Sir John Wood

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1985-86

Thursday 24 October 1985 6pm

The End of Keynesian Consensus: The Swedish Case in International Perspective

Professor Scott Lash

Department of Sociology, University of Lancaster

Thursday 21 November 1985, 6pm

The 1984-85 Coal Mining Strike and its Implications for the Future of Industrial Relations

Ned Smith

Ex-Personnel Director, National Coal Board

Thursday 16 January 1986, 6pm

Developing Industrial Relations Policies: The Case of Nissan Motor (UK)

Peter Wickens

Director of Personnel, Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK)

Thursday 20 February 1986, 6pm

The British Steel Corporation: Changes in Productivity and the Implications for Industrial Relations

Stephen Best

Director, Industrial Relations, British Steel Corporation

Thursday 20 March 1986, 6pm

Joint Meeting with the IPM

A Trade Union View of Current Industrial Relations

Garfield Davies

General Secretary, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers

Thursday 29 May 1986, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Industrial Relations, the Police and Public Order – Some Lessons of the Miners’ Strike

Professor Peter Wallington

Department of Law, University of Lancaster

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1986-87

Thursday 23 October 1986 6pm

Inaugural Arthur Priest Memorial Lecture

Perspectives From the UK Motor Industry

Paul Roots

Ex-Director of Industrial Relations, Ford Motor Company (UK)

Thursday 20 November 1986, 6pm

Managing Industrial Relations in the Media Industry

Ewart Wooldridge

Head of-Personnel, Granada Television

Thursday 27 January 1987, 6pm

Managing Industrial Relations at Manchester Airport

Lawrence Jackson

Head of Personnel Services, Manchester Airport

Thursday 26 February 1987, 6pm

The New Industrial Relations: Problems and Future Prospects

Alistair Graham

Director, the Industrial Society

Thursday 19 March 1987, 6pm

Joint Meeting with the IPM

Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

Peter Parker

Director of Advisory and Individual Conciliation, ACAS

Thursday 23 April 1987, 6pm

Personnel and Industrial Relations Policy in Privatised British Telecom

Richard Worsley

Director Corporate Personnel and Corporate Services, British Telecom

Thursday 28 May 1987, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

UK Trade Unions: The Challenge for the Next Decade

Professor John Gennard

University of Strathclyde

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1987-88

Thursday 29 October 1987 6pm

Arthur Priest Memorial Lecture

New Working Practices at Jaguar Cars: The Implications for Industrial Relations

Alan Hepburn

Human Resources Director, Jaguar Cars

Thursday 19 November 1987, 6pm

Strike Free Agreements: The New Industrial Relations

Philip Bassett

Labour Editor, Financial Times

Thursday 28 January 1988, 6pm

The Role of the TUC in an Era of Change

John Monks

Deputy General Secretary, TUC

Thursday 18 February 1988, 6pm

Managing Industrial Relations in the NHS

Len Peach

Director of Personnel, NHS

Thursday 24 March 1988, 6pm

Joint Meeting with the IPM

The Current Industrial Relations Scene in the Federal Republic of Germany

Dr Detlef Perner

Institute of Economic and Social Research, Dusseldorf, Germany

Thursday 21 April 1988, 6pm

Industrial Relations in Transition: The Case of Shell Carrington

Alan Ferguson

Shell Chemicals

Thursday 28 May 1987, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

The Strange Death of Liberal Industrial Relations

Professor Richard Hyman

Warwick University

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1988-89

Thursday 20 October 1988 6pm

Arthur Priest Memorial Lecture

The Value of Hindsight: An Examination of the Julie Hayward Case

Robert Fiddaman

Employee Relations Manager, Cammell Laird Shipbuilders

Thursday 8 December 1988, 6pm

Equal Pay Legislation: Retrospects and Prospects

Alan Hart

Equal Opportunities Commission

Thursday 27 January 1989, 6pm

Human Resource Management : A View From The Service Sector

Peter Samuel

Group Director of Organisation and Management Development, Woolworth Holdings

Thursday 23 February 1989, 6pm

Human Resource Management: New Wine in Old Bottles?

David Guest

London School of Economics

Wednesday 15 March 1989, 6pm

Joint Meeting with the IPM

Single Union Agreements: A New Direction for British Industrial Relations?

Roy Sanderson (EETPU)

Thursday 28 May 1989, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Company Pay Policies: The Art of Getting Change on the Cheap

Professor William Brown

University of Cambridge

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester

Programme of Meetings 1989-90

Thursday 19 October 1989 6pm

Arthur Priest Memorial Lecture

Britain’s Ports in an Era of Industrial Relations Change

Nicholas Finney

Director – National Association of Port Employers

Thursday 23 November 1989, 6pm

Employment Policy in the European Community Toward 1992 and Beyond

Geoffrey Martin

European Commission

Thursday 25 January 1990, 6pm

Title Unknown

Paul Watkinson

Director of Employee Relations, British Rail

Thursday 22 February 1990, 6pm

The Social Charter – What is its Relevance to UK Industrial Relations?

Geoff Armstrong

Group Executive Director, Standard Chartered

Thursday 22 March 1990, 6pm

Europe 1992: A Trade Union View

Malcolm Moss

MSF Union

Thursday 17 May 1990, 6pm

Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture

Is There a Future for British Industrial Relations and Personnel Management?

Professor Keith Thurley

London School of Economics

All meetings take place at The Manchester Business School. Booth St West, Manchester