The Manchester Industrial
Relations Society (MIRS) is a well-established and important forum for
the discussion of industrial relations and employment issues within
Founded in 1964, the Society has
mounted a continuous annual programme of meetings addressed by distinguished
speakers from the industrial relations, human resource management and trade
union world. We now have over 160 members from across the north-west of
England, drawn from the trade unions, management, Acas, Industrial Law Society,
and Universities.
Recent Speakers
Speakers over recent years have included:
David Fairhurst, Chief People Officer, McDonald’s North Europe; Catherine
Glickman, Human Resources Director, Tesco; Shaun Grady, Global Projects Leader,
AstraZeneca; Tony Stark, Head of Employee Relations, Vertex; Neil Carberry,
Director of Employment Affairs, CBI; Mike Emmott, CIPD; Professor Keith Ewing,
University of London; John Hendy QC; Brian Doyle, Regional Employment Judge;
Billy Hayes, General Secretary, Communication Workers Union; Mark Serwotka,
General Secretary, Public and Commercial Services Union; Matt Wrack, General
Secretary, Fire Brigades Union; Alex Bryson, National Institute of Economic and
Social Research; Professor Linda Dickens, Industrial Relations Research Unit,
University Warwick; Professor Keith Sisson, Industrial Relations Research Unit,
University of Warwick; Professor Willie Brown, University of Cambridge;
Professor Geraldine Healy, Queen Mary University of London; Will Hutton, The
Observer; Paul Routledge, The Mirror; Paul Mason, BBC2 Newnight; Martin Kettle,
The Guardian; Alastair Hatchet, Director, Incomes Data Services.